With the Corona virus restrictions, closed training facilities and the Olympic games postponed athletes had to adapt their training routines and find alternative ways to stay in shape. In another blogpost we already captured Olympic athlete’s impression and feelings during this though time. In many countries, there was a complete lockdown meaning people were only allowed to exercise at home. When it comes to home workouts most people think about hitting the treadmill, doing some yoga or strengthening exercises on a mat. However, since the Olympic Games as well as other competitions are not cancelled but rather postponed, especially professional athletes felt the urge to continue their training. Some of them have been quite imaginative, which is why we present you the 5 most creative training alternatives:
This training alternative went viral quite quickly, so you might have come across this idea already. Athletes like the Hungarian Olympic bronze medalist Boglarka Kapas, the Dutch gold medalist Sharon van Rouwendaal and the British European Junior Champion Matt Richards could not stand to stay out of the swimming pool so they simply put a smaller version in their backyard. To still cope the kilometers the athletes attached a rope around their hips as well as to a fence or a pillar which stopped them from moving forward while still performing the motion.

Skiing? Yes, you got it right – skiing. A few athletes became overwhelmingly creative. Paolo Canavese, an amateur athlete, put on his skiing equipment, hopped on his treadmill, increased the slope and went for a skiing tour. Okay, we have to admit: probably he did it mainly for fun, since his true passion lies in running and cycling. But who doesn’t need a little laugh these days?
Along with others, also indoor climbing halls were closed during the severe lockdown. Moreover, popular outdoor climbing areas were prohibited. Consequently, except you have a mountain in your yard or a private climbing wall, you have to figure out options inside the house. Tonny Valenzuale, for example, transformed his kitchen to an indoor climbing track. He set anchors in the kitchen cupboards, took on his harness, climbing shoes plus his helmet (security first!) and started the bolted route. What do you assume was the crux of his kitchen route? We’d say it definitely must have been the fridge!

As for the sports mentioned above, skating usually requires a lot of space. Of course, the treadmill would have been an option again, but Jason Brown showed us a less risky way to enhance your skating skills. Since balance is crucial, Jason practiced some rope skipping. Not a big deal? Then try it with your skates on! On the Olympic Twitter Channel you can convince yourself with the video of him rope skipping with skates.
You thought all your plans and dedication while training for the next marathon are for nothing? In case you have at least 4 meter of free space you do not have to worry any longer! Some amateur athletes showed us that not only professional get creative. The French runner Elisha Nochomovitz ran the 42.195 kilometers on his 7-meter balcony. Sam Hustler finished a half marathon on his 4 meter long balcony in East London. Others managed to complete a marathon in their backyard like Gareth Allen in Southampton.
As bad as Corona might be, it definitely spawned the highest level of creativity out of people’s mind. In case you have not been inspired yet, take a look at athletes on Sponsoo.com. Nevertheless, we are sure that all of us cannot wait to go back into the swimming pool, on a climbing wall or in the snow. Fingers crossed!
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