The corona virus poses new challenges for society and does not stop at organized sports. Meetings in clubs and other sports and leisure facilities are currently not permitted. Associations are therefore considering alternatives and must take into account the general decree as well as official decrees. According to this, sport in a group is currently not possible.
We asked two sports clubs how they deal with the current situation:

Luciano M. Rütten, 2nd Chairman AFC 1979 eV Düsseldorf Bulldozer
Was there already a corona case in your club environment? If so, what measures were taken?
We have contacted all our teams on the part of the board and asked for an up-to-date status. As far as we know, there are currently no cases among the players or their relatives.
Is the current caution excessive or justified?
In our opinion, absolutely justified! That’s why we have already stopped training completely before the official ban on club sports by the NRW state government.
How does the virus influence the current training and competition routine?
According to the current situation, all club sports are closed in NRW until April 19. Our venue is even closed indefinitely. The NRW Football Association has also banned or cancelled all test and compulsory matches until April 19. Until now our first match of the season is scheduled for 25th of April. The big problem for us is our players would only have one week to prepare for the game after a five-week break. Since we think that this is completely unrealistic, we have informed the federation about our concerns.
However, our coaches have come up with online training for the seniors and for the youth also, so we can offer at least a mental training. Since football consists to a large extent of theory and tactics, the coaches have the opportunity to deal with topics for which they have hardly any time in the normal training routine.
How do the athletes keep themselves fit during this time?
For their physical fitness, every player is responsible for keeping fit, even if this is difficult without access to a gym.
What are the far-reaching consequences of the crisis for the club?
It is difficult to assess at the moment. From a sporting point of view, of course, there is a huge training deficit. But at least there is equal opportunity here, because this point affects all teams. Another aspect is the imported players, who currently have an uncertain future.
The economic consequences are currently our biggest concern! Because we have made a huge leap in the last three years (three ascents in a row), we have risen faster than the club could grow, and this also applies to our sponsorships. At the beginning of the year it was already clear that we must calculate this year very conservatively, but the income from the Gameday’s was already planned. If this income should be lost, because the whole season is cancelled this year, this would tear an enormous hole in our club’s coffers.
What can we take out of this crisis as a society?
Personally, I would like people to become more aware that our everyday life does not just come naturally, but that countless people are working for it.
Whether it is the nurses in the hospitals, the geriatric nurses or the shelf cleaners without whom we would not have anything to eat at home. All these people and many more have always been underestimated and yet they save us in the current situation.

Robert Lüthgarth, Vereinsverwalter TSG Einheit Bernau
Was there already a corona case in your club environment? If so, what measures were taken?
There have not been any known Corona cases in our TSG club environment to date. Therefore, no measures had to be taken at club level until the suspension of matches and training operations.
How does the virus affect the training and everyday competition?
The Covid-19 pandemic affects the everyday life of the club’s sports operations to the extent that the sports operations are no longer taking place for the time being. All matches and competitions have been suspended; training sessions are currently not taking place.
Would you participate in competitions abroad?
TSG Einheit Bernau takes the current situation seriously and follows the recommendations of the health authorities. If competitions abroad were possible, they would not be an option for us at the moment.
Has the issue been underestimated and acted too late?
We are in an exceptional situation, the form and extent of which has never been seen before in Germany. Therefore, it is far from us as an association to judge the type and extent of the measures taken by the authorities, as well as the timing. We as an association support the measures of the authorities and accept the decisions. The current situation is a novelty for everyone and presents us with challenges that were previously difficult or impossible to foresee.
What can we take out of this crisis as a society?
Crisis management and resolution only works if everyone pulls together and sticks together. The maintenance of everyday life and operation of a society is very fragile and fragile, we should always be aware of this.
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